Google Interactive Search History Infographic Brings Back Many SEO Memories


Google Interactive Search History Infographic Brings Back Many SEO Memories


Have you ever wished you could go back in time?

Step 1: Sign in to Google Chrome

Step 2: Access your Google Chrome Browser History

Step 3: Find your post and click the “Timeline” button

Step 4: Scroll through the timeline and find your post!

Final thoughts

Have you ever wished you could go back in time? Google Chrome browser allows you to do just that. In addition, Google recently added the ability to access your search history and a Google Chrome extension called Timeline for Websites. The two combined give users a clear picture of what has happened, and how it impacted their search visibility. How does this work? Let’s take an example.

Let’s say 18 months ago, you wrote an article on how to grow grass indoors in the colder months of the year. You published it on a blog using WordPress as a content management system (CMS). You didn’t use any keyword research tools and included only relevant keywords in your title tag, URL, meta description and other metadata tags.

Chaffing from this tiny mistake 18 months ago? Worry not! Through your Google Chrome browser or Timeline for Websites extension, you can now see exactly what happened before, during and after the publishing of that post! Well…almost anyway...

Step 1: Sign in to Google Chrome

There are several ways to sign in to your Google Chrome browser. To start, open your Chrome browser on your computer and click on the icon. Alternatively, you can sign in to your Google account at Next, click “History“.

Step 2: Access your Google Chrome Browser History

Go to chrome://history in the address bar and type in history. Here you can see the list of all of your browsing activities. Click the “Clear history” button next to your post and it will be deleted from your history.

Step 3: Find your post and click the “Timeline” button

Now that you can see your posts and access your browsing history in the Google Chrome browser, you can now find your post and click the “Timeline” button right next to it. Then, you’ll be taken to a new tab that shows your post as well as the search history around it. Scroll through and see what has happened, and get a clear picture of what has impacted your post and search engine visibility.

Step 4: Scroll through the timeline and find your post!

Now that you’ve found your post, you can start checking out the timeline.

At the top of the timeline, you’ll see a search bar with the date and time of your post. Click the “Timeline” icon and you’ll be able to see the search history around your post. Click on the search terms around your post, and you’ll be able to see the results from Google. For example, you can click on how to grow grass indoors and find out what has happened around it in the past. You can also click on the images, videos and other sources that are related to your post.

Final thoughts

If you’ve ever wished you could go back in time to see what happened before publishing your blog post or saw an impact on your search visibility, then this is exactly what you need. While it was easy to assume that your post did well based on the traffic it received, now you have proof that it actually had an impact on your rank. For best results, use Google Keyword Planner to find the right keywords for your blog post. Then, use the meta tags and titles to create a high-quality post. Next, publish your post on a well-optimized blog platform. Finally, be sure to audit your post for any issues, such as broken images or links, and make any necessary changes. Accessing search engine history, especially from Google, is a great way to get a look at how your posts performed in the past. This can give you a better idea of how to create more impactful content moving forward.


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